How to create an NFT.Kred account

Create an NFT.Kred account using an application

Did you try to register using the application? You can check out this guide for registering an account using our no-code application.

Register using API's

The process of registering with NFT.Kred using the API takes on the same approach as registering it using our no-code application. We have an API /nft/register which we can use to register an account using API.


Please change to "Currently, the Register API is not functioning properly - we are working on this issue! In the meantime, please reach out to us at [email protected] or Register through our no-code solution.

curl --request POST \
     --url '[email protected]&password=admin@1234' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Basic am9obndvb2R5OTg1MkBnbWFpbC5jb206QWRtaW5AMTI=='

Register using Python SDK

Creating an account using Python-SDK is simple. This Python SDK bridges the gap between your applications and NFT.Kred APIs. Full-scale NFT solutions can be built in hours - instead of months. You can use NFT.Kred functionality via this python package and interact with the NFT.Kred APIs directly in your app.

Installation & Usage
We have created a tutorial on how you can install the Python SDK on your machine. Read our step-by-step guide on “How to install Python SDK” for more details. After importing the python SDK on the python file, please follow the below steps to register an account using Python SDK.

Step 1: Import SDK Files
Import below necessary library files by adding the following code.

from kred import services
from kred import models

Step 2: Define register API method
Now we need to define in python file which API method we want to use. Right now, we want to register an account so we will use a "register" method. For more available examples, please have a look at the Example References documentation section, where all the available examples are given. You can copy those methods in your file and build your app.

def register(token, provider=None, email=None, password=None, phone=None, name=None, domain=None):
    """Register an account by providing email and password details or initiating an OAuth flow.
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'register.')

    # service class
    service = services.AuthenticationClient(token)

    # Service API calling
    response = service.register(provider, email, password, phone, name, domain), indent=2))

Step 3: Call your Defined method to register an account
From the above step, we have created a python file and defined a "register" method to register an account. Now we will call that method and pass the required parameter. We may have a look at the required parameter list by following this register API endpoint.

# Define your token here
token = "token value"

# Call define method with values
register(token, provider, email, password, phone, name, domain)

Now that your account has been created using Python SDK, you might want to be able to access its data from the network. To do this, you can use the login method from the Python SDK and access the profile.